Mdm Kwek Siew Hoon

Principal Master Teacher

Tel : (65) 6467 5667 #213

Fax : (65) 6467 1278

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Educational Background

The University of Queensland

Diploma in Education
National Institute of Education

BA (Hons)
National University of Singapore

Advanced Certificate in Training and Assessment
Singapore Workforce Development Agency

Courses Conducted

  • Understanding by Design
  • Assessment
  • Curriculum Differentiation

Research Interests

  • Assessment

Teaching and Research Experience

Head of Department
Singapore Chinese Girls’ School
2007 - 2010

Subject/ Curriculum Head
Raffles Institution
2004 - 2006

Chinese Language Teacher
Raffles Institution
2001 - 2002

Chinese language Teacher
Dunman Secondary School / Anglo Chinese School (Independent)
1989 - 1995

Other Professional Experiences

Assessment Officer

Selected Publications

Book Chapters

  1. 郭秀芬、洪瑞春、毛朝晖 (2015) 通过阅读培养应试能力与21世纪能力-实践方式探索, 见:21世纪华文教与学新方法的探索 , 新加坡:南大-新加坡华文教研中心出版社。
  2. 郭秀芬 (2014) 浅谈适合多语家庭背景学生的口语课设计--基于小学导入班校本研究经验与反思, 见陈志锐主编:深入教学—新加坡华文特级教师的教学实践与反思 , 台湾:万卷楼图书股份有限公司。

Journal Articles

  1. Zhou, H.X., Goh,H.H., & Kwek, S.H. (2016) A Corpus-based Comparison on Singapore Primary Students' Chinese Oral Vocabulary and the Singapooire Primary School Chinese Textbook Vocabulary. Journal of Chinese Language Teaching, 2016 (9), 79-90.
  2. 郭秀芬、刘增娇、杨斯琳 (2014) 情境教学模式下的口语教学策略初探--以新加坡小二导入班口语课堂为例, 12 (1), 52-65页。

Conference Papers

  1. Liu, M., Tan, Y., Kwek S. H., Chan, K. T., LEE, W. H.,WEE, K. P. (2018, September) From Bloom's cognitive taxonomy to Webb's cognitive complexity. Paper presented at The Fifth International Conference on Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second Language (TLCSL), Singapore.
  2. Tan, Y., Liu, M., Kwek S. H., Chan, K. T. (2018, September) Using Webb's Model to Evaluate Alignment between the Chinese Language Curriculum and Assessments in Singapore. Paper presented at Asia Conference on Education 2018, Japan.
  3. 郭秀芬、黄进娥 (2015年9月) 针对小一外籍学生的口语课设计初探。论文发表于第四届“华文作为第二语言之教与学”国际研讨会, 新加坡:新加坡华文教研中心。
  4. Kwek, S.H., Ang, S.C., & Mao, Z.H. (2013, September) 通过阅读教学培养应试能力与21世纪能力—实践方式探索. Paper presented at The 3rd International Conference on the Teaching and Learning of Chinese as a Second Language, Singapore: Singapore Centre for Chinese Language.
  5. Kwek, S.H., Yang, S.L., & Liu, Z.J. (2012, November) 适合多语家庭背景学生的口语课设计. Paper presented at Conference on Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Chinese for Non-Chinese Speaking Students: Challenge and Breakthrough, Hong Kong: Hong Kong Univeristy & Singapore Centre for Chinese Language.
  6. Zhou, H.X., Goh, H.H., & Kwek, S.H. (2012, June) 基于语料库的新加坡华族小学生华语口语词汇研究. Paper presented at 第四届中青年学者汉语教学国际学术研讨会, Beijing: Peking University.