Dr Li Dongmei

Master Teacher/ School

Tel : (65) 6467 5667 #332

Fax : (65) 6467 1278

Email : dongmei.li@sccl.sg

Educational Background

2015-2020 Doctor of Education, The University of Hong Kong

2013 Certificate of Teaching for Understanding: WIDE World, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Harvard University

1999-2003 Master of Education
Northeast Normal University China

1991-1995 B.A.
Northeast Normal University China

Research Interests

  • Curriculum Design and Implementation
  • Teaching and Learning Chinese Language as a Second Language
  • e-Pedagogy

Teaching and Research Experience

2017- Master Teacher for Chinese Language
Academy of Singapore Teachers

2012-2016 Senior Curriculum Planning officer/Senior Curriculum and Resources Development Officer
Mother Tongue Language Branch, Curriculum Planning Development Division MOE, Singapore

2001-2011 Chinese Language Teacher/Senior Teacher
St. Hilda’s Secondary School, Singapore

Selected Publications

Scholarly Books

  1. CPDD MOE (2013) Textbook of Chinese Language for Secondary Schools (Normal Academic) (3A&3B, 4A/5A&4B/5B) Singapore.. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Education Singapore.
  2. CPDD MOE Singapore (2013) Textbook of Chinese Language for Secondary Schools (Express) (3A&3B, 4A&4B).. Singapore: Marshall Cavendish Education Singapore.