JCLE Submission Guidelines


  1. Promote academic exchange among scholars in the Chinese cultural community
  2. Elevate the pedagogical and academic level of Chinese language teachers
  3. Advocate for educational research topics and encourage teachers to publish the findings of their action research

Call for Submission

  1. International experts and scholars
  2. Chinese language teachers and Chinese educators
  3. Principals and educational administrators

Manuscript Content

  1. Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: Curriculum, teaching materials, pedagogical techniques, assessment and testing, educational theory, educational policy, history of education, teaching management, teacher training, early childhood education, ICT-assisted teaching, civics and moral education, ancient Chinese educational philosophy, etc.
  2. Others: Linguistics, literature, psychology, cognitive science, translation studies, etc., related to Chinese language teaching. 

Manuscript Length

8,000-10,000 words (excluding abstract and references). The title, abstract (approximately 300 words) and keywords (5-8) must be in both Chinese and English. 

Manuscript Formatting

  1. Manuscript submissions in digital file format. Please submit the manuscript in Microsoft Word format (.doc or .docx).
  2. Font: Chinese Word: SimSun (Body), English Word & Numeric: Times New Roman. Main Title: 16pt, Sub-title: 14pt, Body of text: 12pt.
  3. All diagrams, tables, charts and graphs must be suitable for black and white printing, please provide Jpeg in high-res version.
  4. For annotations, use Footnotes.
  5. In-text references should be presented in APA format:
    * Direct quoting: (Jones, 1998, p. 199)
    * Summary or paraphrase: (Coxhead, 2000)
    * Summary or paraphrase from different authors: (Goodman,1996; McCloskey, 1990)
  6. List of References should be presented in APA format. Please click Here to download the References format.

    For more guidelines on APA format, kindly visit: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/07/

    DOI validator: http://www.airitischolar.com/doi/search/

Notes for Submission

On the last page of the manuscript, please provide the author's name, designation, affiliation, mailing address, email address, contact number, and CV in both Chinese and English.

Terms & Conditions for Submission of Manuscript

  1. All submitted manuscripts will be subjected to double-blind peer review and will be published only after receiving recommendations by at least two international referees.
  2. The editorial board reserves the right to make editorial changes, unless the author specifies otherwise.
  3. The editorial committee will not return any manuscripts submitted. The author is advised to keep a copy of the manuscript.
  4. Once the submitted manuscript is published, the author is entitled to one free copy of the journal.
  5. We do not accept papers that have already been published or are being simultaneously submitted to other journals or publishers. Any manuscript, or substantial parts of it, submitted to the Journal of Chinese Language Education (JCLE) must not be under consideration by any other journal or publisher.
  6. The author is required to ensure that no material submitted as part of the manuscript infringes existing copyrights, or the rights of a third party. The contents of the paper submitted shall be the sole responsibility of the author.
  7. The author is required to ensure that nothing in the manuscript is unlawful, misrepresentative, libellous or would constitute a breach of contract or commitment to secrecy.
  8. The author agrees to fully indemnify the organiser and publisher of JCLE of any claims or demands, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party in connection to his Paper's infringement of third party's rights (including intellectual property rights).
  9. The author is required to comply with the transfer of copyright (non-exclusive rights) to the SCCL for the following purposes:

    1. Publishing the Paper in digital format.
    2. Digitising it for storage, public transmission through the internet, and downloading by SCCL authorised users.
    3. Further authorising the National Library of Singapore or other database operators or other publishers to include the Paper in their database, in electronic, paper, or any other medium and means of transmission, to provide services, or to market, rent, sell, or make it available for retrieval, reading, downloading, printing, or any other feasible means of use.
    4. The author further agrees that JCLE shall solely enjoy and have full control over the profits (if any) arising from the authorised use of the Paper as stipulated in above clause.

Manuscript Submission

Please visit to SCCL website , choose “Journals (JCLE)”, then choose “Online Submission”. Follow the steps to upload your manuscript.


Singapore Chinese Teachers' Union
540 Sims Ave
#02-03 Sims Ave Centre
Singapore 387603


SCCL Press
287 Ghim Moh Road
Singapore 279623

Last updated: January 2025