OPAL2.0 Courses Conducted In School

Singapore Centre for Chinese Language (SCCL) provides OPAL2.0 training courses to cater for school's training need. These courses can be conducted in schools.

Application requirement:

At least 2 schools and at least 12 MOE-Employed Trained Education Officers

Application form must be submitted 2 months before the month which the course is conducted.

The Month which the course is conductedDate of Submission
January Before 01/10/23
February Before 01/12/23
March Before 01/01/24
April Before 01/02/24
May Before 01/03/24
June Before 01/04/24
July Before 01/05/24
August Before 01/05/24
September Before 01/07/24
October Before 01/08/24
Novmber Before 01/08/24

All CL in-service OPAL2.0 courses fees are borne by AST for the following group of MOE-Employed Trained Education Officers (EOs):

  • Full Time Teachers
  • Part Time Teachers: Half Load or 2/3 Load
  • Contract-adjunct Teachers
  • MOE Teachers who are seconded to Independent Schools

The course fee will be borne by the school for the following group of teachers:

  • Flexi-adjunct
  • Direct staff of Independent Schools

For any clarifications, you may contact our coordinator:

Mr Lim Yee Pin, Dean of Curriculum (yeepin.lim@sccl.sg or 6467 5667 Ext. 214)

Mdm Chau Sook Kuan, Deputy Dean of Curriculum (sookkuan.chau@sccl.sg or 6467 5667 Ext. 244)

Ms Wong Angel, Executive (Curriculum) (angel.wong@sccl.sg or 6467 5667 Ext. 248)

Ms Pearne Chin,  Executive (Curriculum) (qi.chin@sccl.sg or 6467 5667 Ext. 241)